Kent Horse Rescue has only one aim…
… to help end the mistreatment and suffering of horses in the UK. We are also here as a source of the real truth about the Horse Crisis in Kent and the UK through this website; and you’ll see why Kent Horse Rescue was established in 2015.

Toffee – Before and After Rescue / Rehabilitation
Kent Horse Rescue is here to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home horses that have been dumped to die, mis-treated, starved or abandoned, or simply no longer cared for or afforded.
We feel it is right to spotlight and expose the cruelty and injustices to horses in this country – and will post news updates, fact and figures as necessary to keep up the exposure on the suffering of horses in order to help bring about the necessary changes in awareness, attitudes, behaviours, resources and response of all those whom have a responsibility in safeguarding these animals.
The Problems we respond to:
The Horse Crisis in the UK has developed for a number of reasons, reaching new highs in 2015, and continues today. The reasons can be many and complex but the result is:
- Horses dumped to die on verges
- Horses not fed adequately nor receiving veterinary treatment as needed.
- Horses fly grazed illegally on local authority or privately owned land
- Horses abandoned
- Horses loose on highways etc.
The Services and Expertise we provide:
Kent Horse rescue is here to help All parties involved in this crisis including:
- Assistance and re-homing for owners who can no longer care for their horse/s
- Expert advice for horse owners in how to properly care for their horse, complying with codes of practice and / or legislation.
- Assistance for land owners and local authorities in dealing with fly grazing or mistreated horses placed on their land
- Expert advice to land owners and local authorities in legal processes and duties of care related to fly grazed or mistreated horses placed on their land.
- Advice and assistance to members of the public whom believe a horse is in distress, being mis-treated, abandoned or roaming free, etc.
- Rescue, Rehabilitation and Rehoming services in any of the situations highlighted above.
Land Owners and Local Authorities, Read More Here
General Public and Horse Owners, Read More Here
What to do if you have a concern or emergency to report, or need advice:
Legal Protocol:
Kent Horse Rescue Always operate in accordance with DEFRA codes of practice, and all Animal welfare regulations. Where we are asked to rescue horse/s in distress or illegally grazing, we Always co-ordinate with all relevant authorities, and Always under a Police CAD reference.
Kent Horse Rescue operate as charity and have full insurance cover to operate as a horse Rescue Centre, including Public Liability and Employers Liability cover. Our cover starts from the point of the horse’s collection, continues whilst in our care, and ceases 3 days after reaching it’s new home.
All Enquiries are dealt with in full confidentiality, with the aim of safeguarding all horses, people and property concerned. Where potential crime/s may have been committed, information may be passed to the relevant authorities.